Monday, July 04, 2005

Hoon goes for compulsory voting: have they totally lost the plot?

This is madness - Geoff Hoon suggests that the way to reinvigorate our democracy is to make voting compulsory!
He has clearly missed the point. The three major parties in the UK, led by Blair's New Labour project, have successfully worked away over the last ten years or more to take the politics out of politics in the UK. Now they have succeeded they are wondering why no-one wants to play any more.
If the extent of democracy is to be limited to voting once every four years or so for a bunch of suits that are almost indistinguishable from one another, then its really no wonder that we aren't engaged in the process. When will they actually catch on to the meaning behind their own rhetoric, and truly enable ordinary people to take control in their own communities, and participate in the process of government, instead of simply allowing us to choose once in a while which amongst the elite will be able to exercise the power on our behalf. The people want a share of the power for themselves. Participative democracy is all we seek.
It's not revolution, but judging by their reluctance to make it happen, one might be forgiven for thinking that it was.
The internet gives us the tools and the power to do it for ourselves, without the need for hierarchy (if ever there was a real need for it) or massive party structures. These guys are living in the past, it's time they saw the cluetrain a-coming.

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